Advanced Manufacturing Fellowship for Future Women Leaders

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Emily Stover DeRocco was a connector. She believed in “linking and leveraging” people and resources for the greater good. Whether in her role as Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of Labor, the President of the Manufacturing Institute, or in any of her many leadership roles on corporate and academic boards, Emily believed in the power of work and the right for every individual to have the opportunity to “work hard at work worth doing.”

The DeRocco Fellowship program has been developed to honor the impact of Emily’s career in education and workforce development and to provide a pathway to leadership for young women in advanced manufacturing, the industry sector that was closest to Emily’s heart and the focus of the last 10 years of her career.

Emily Stover DeRocco left this world unexpectedly in 2021. The team of volunteers behind the DeRocco Fellows are colleagues and friends who are committed to seeing Emily’s legacy and impact continue. We hope you will join us in launching our first cohort of fellows in the summer of 2024!

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DeRocco Fellows

The DeRocco Fellowship will offer women enrolled in an undergraduate program – at a university or a community college- the opportunity to experience the potential of an advanced manufacturing career firsthand.

The first cohort will be held in summer 2024.

DeRocco Fellows will have the opportunity to participate in four program components:

Summer Internship

Work as a paid summer intern at a leading advanced manufacturing company.

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Be mentored by an advanced manufacturing executive and engage with a peer mentor.


Professional Development

Attend a mid-summer in-person professional development workshop and participate in regular development programming virtually.

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Participate in a community of and build a career network with like-minded individuals and industry leaders.

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Total Workforce


of Women



Source: 2021 Deloitte and Manufacturing Institute DEI Study

Manufacturing, a rapidly expanding sector in the U.S. economy, offers abundant opportunities with evolving technologies. Despite women making up half of the workforce, they comprise less than one-third of the manufacturing workforce, presenting untapped potential for both talented women and manufacturers.

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Interested in being involved? You can:

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Be a DeRocco Fellow employer and hire a Fellow for a summer work experience.


Become a DeRocco Fellow mentor.

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Share information about the DeRocco Fellowship with your students, employers, or others in your networks.


Donate. The DeRocco Fellowship is a 501(c)(3), and all donations are used directly in support of the Fellowship program.

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Employer Commitment

DeRocco Fellows offers an opportunity for manufacturers to enhance their summer internship experience and establish a pathway for women undergraduates to pursue careers in manufacturing as they work with them during the summer of 2024.

There is no additional cost, beyond paying the intern’s salary, to the employer of a DeRocco Fellow.

Employers are asked to allow Fellows to participate in virtual professional development programming and mentorship throughout the summer. We estimate these experiences will require 3 to 5 hours per month of the intern’s time. In addition, a mid-summer in-person workshop is planned for the Fellows at a location to be determined. Two to three days, inclusive of travel, is the anticipated time commitment for the workshop.

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Application Process

The DeRocco Fellowship is a competitive opportunity and interested interns will need to complete a short application to be considered. Employer partners can recommend interns they feel would benefit from the program to apply.

Interns should self-confirm that they meet the following eligibility before applying:

  • Confirmed placement in an internship at a partner company in summer 2024
  • Enrolled in a post-secondary program
  • At least one full semester completed
  • Are interested in pursuing a leadership career in manufacturing.

The application will close April 30, 2024, and interns selected for the fellowship will be notified by mid-May.


Interns self-confirm eligibility

early May

DeRocco Fellows selects interns


Fellowships begin!

Hand drawn timeline


Employer recommends interns apply

by April 30

Interns submit application


Fellows notified of selection

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To learn more about being involved, contact:

Eileen Pickett